Saturday, September 18, 2010

Arianna huffington: Both Parties 'Have For 30 Years Now Screwed The Middle Class'

HuffPost TV: Arianna: Both Parties 'Have For 30 Years Now Screwed The Middle Class'

At least there's one progressive that's willing to point out that neither major political party is doing us much good. I may be a registered Democrat for now, but they're not really getting us out of the mess we're in very quickly. Still, the economic policies of the Republicans played a major part in creating this situation where the money goes to the top and stays there, so I'm not about to consider the GOP. It's getting to the point (or has gotten there) that I only vote for the Democrats to prevent the Republicans from getting power because they would make it worse for anyone who isn't filthy rich, although the Democrats can't seem to get things away from an stagnating status quo.

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